
10 pounds +

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NEW VIDEO CLIP! (Apr,29,2005)
VIDEO CLIP! (Apr,23,2005)
VIDEO CLIP! (Mar,28,2005)

This week Nicolas weighed in at 10 lbs and 7 ounces.

We had a great weekend last weekend - it rained and we spent most of it indoors- cooking and cleaning and watching movies. Nicolas has been practicing making his noises and holding his head up. Little by little he is getting stronger and this afternoon my mom said he rolled over from his belly to his back.

I had to see this for myself - so I placed him face down on the playmat and he did it again! :-)

It's great to watch him make these changes and grow stronger -- we are looking forward to more adventures with him later this month when we are finally unshackled from staying away from crowds -- our doctors current advice.

patience. patience


  1. Oh Martha and Eric, he is so precious, I need to see him soon. I will give you a call, so that we can make a trip to see you guys.

    I love his smile...keep smiling.


  2. Anonymous14.5.05

    Queridos Martha y Eric: Ese Nicolas esta tan bello, tan cambiado.. parece otra persona.
    Sobre todo esta muy simpatico, y parece de buen hunor.Ahora se parece mucho a Luis Alberto. Mis hijas ven siempre sus videos, y se mueren de las ganas por conocerlo. Envien nuevas fotos y videos.
    Los quiere

