
Martha's B-day | Easter with her sisters

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This Easter sunday was Martha's birthday and we celebrated it at my parent's house along with my brother and his family and Martha's sisters.

We have had a good week with their visit. Tina and Mabe took over some of the Nicolas caretaking and we slept for 2 nights - well not soundly but MUCH BETTER THAN lately. They in turn were exhausted those days. :-)

The photo above includes a solo shot of Nicolas (with a very nice smile) and an Easter shot with (from left to right) -- Martha, Nicolas, Mabe, Tina and Rachel (our niece).

Nicolas's surgery recovery continues - he's still fussing instead of eating well - which is tiring. But this week he seems to have discovered his hands - and he enjoys touching his finger tips together in a slightly mad-scientist sort of way. Like he's making plans for world domination - which...well... you never know do you?

It's obviously a world with cool headwear (see picture above).

1 comment:

  1. Martha, Eric and Baby Nicolas, you all look so happy. He is adorable. I'm glad to hear that everything went well. He looks very healthy because you guys are great parents.

    As for the sleepless nights it will never end but the joy of having him (any child) compensates it all.

    Love and kisses,
