
birthday, halloween and more

FAO Schwartz

NEWFall photo gallery

yes I have been slacking. so here's whats new.

Nicolas is now holding himself up in the crib and happy to do so. He turned one. (thanks to all for the gifts and cards - we are late with the thank you notes). We had a party for him and he was dressed like a space shuttle pilot. He did NOT eat any cake and cried when we sang "happy birthday" to him. On halloween he was dressed as a SNOW monkey and helped us answer the door.

We all went to Rochester NY, two weekends ago where I gave a presentation on web design. And we were in NYC this past weekend were I met Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson (at a risd event) and also - in another celebrity related event - John Cusack walked right by us up near central park (man he's tall).

Thats all for now. look at the pictures.

Nicolas on his b-birthday

Nicolas on a swing in Washington Square Park

Nicolas on Halloween

Nicolas trying to get out. :-)

poor updating

i have been lazy. with this blog and nuts with other things. but i will make an effort tonight.