
Summer 2008 Wrap-Up

It flew by. And we are grateful for packing in as much activity as possible. I golfed a lot more this year than last year - and won a Nike Driver at the RISD Golf Tournament. Nico started a new school Brown/Fox Point -- (SPECIAL THANKS TO LEARNING BROOKE for 3 years of watching Nico - especially Miss Patty, Miss Melinda, Miss Nicole, Miss Melissa, Miss Daniele, Miss Cheryl and Miss Kate)

This summer: Groton Long Point, Crabbing, Sea Canoeing, Mystic Aquarium, Boston Museum of Science, NYC, Picnic at Colt State Park, Big Apple Circus, Campfire on the Beach, Westport Vineyards, Iggys, Wall-e, Kung Fu Panda, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Kite Flying Sea Swirl, Beethoven's Fifth at Tanglewood, East Matunuck Beach, Amherst, Eric Carle Museum, Cookout with the Soriano Family, Waterfire, Champlin's, Dinner with family at Harbourside, What Cheer Brigade Concert, Block Island and Newport.

Bye Summer. Fall is here.


  1. Eric & Martha,

    Thank you for your wonderful expression of gratitude. I am so glad to see that Nico is doing great. I truly enjoyed having him in the Infant room. He was one of my very special students. He will always have a special place in my heart. I hope that he loves his new school and that his new teachers love him as much as we do.

    Miss Nicole Kandzerski

  2. Anonymous17.12.08

    Hi Nicole

    thanks for posting this. He misses Learning Brooke and all the good people there. keep in touch. :-)

    eric + martha + nico meier
