
This is my first story of 2009

New years activities started at 10pm with frozen blue margaritas which I make for all at the Hernandez home in Caracas - 3 drinks and having watched multiple spanish karaoke songs later I am drawn to go online again - when my brother-in-law walks by and says something like "Loser... get off the computer it's New Years" - so downstairs I go to blend more margaritas - fireworks over the city of Caracas at midnight - we sit to eat dinner 1am (now 7 margaritas + 2 glasses of champagne)

My young in-laws are planning to go to a club called "Sawu". I decide this is a great idea - Martha is too tired - she stays - so out the rest of us go and dance - I have 3 vodka tonics - club is packed - beautiful Venezuelan soap opera stars - there's table service and smoking allowed inside - wow great reggaeton + merengue - it's 540am when we leave - the sun is rising - we're back in the house at 6am and I crash til 1pm - awake with "Raton" - spanish for hangover - I am lazy all day - recover around 4pm with delicious lentil soup I made yesterday then a champagne toast at 9pm with jamon serrano.

happy new year!


  1. Nice description...

    Happy new Years!!!

  2. Ok that was 1 year ago...i wonder how this one is gonna go down like? hehehe...(margaritas and hangover will be a do over)
