
Chloe Meier (From hospital to home)

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Chloe Meier

Sunday 12:22pm 7 lbs 1 oz

Moms water broke at approximately 6am - off to Boston we went.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Nicolas gets fitted for a tuxedo for Tina's upcoming wedding. Crazy how big he is now.


Ultrasound 30 weeks

Ultrasound ultracool - but the babys eyes are not really open it's just the ultrasound reading through the layers. Our baby is looking good. We have a nickname given to us by Nico: "Let's call the baby Oatmeal...then we can call it Otie!" It's stuck for now.


Coming this summer

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Belly photos. Hi again. We are going to be posting more to the blog now as our family is poised to add another member this coming August. :-)